Event Coordinator: Kasenya Grant
Judged by: Yacinta Kurniasih
Well done to all students that entered the competition! We loved seeing your work. A huge congratulations to the winners!
The winners:
Foundation category: Lexie, Leopold PS
Junior category: Tom, Leopold PS
Junior category: Anshruta, Croydon Hills PS
Senior story: Antonia, Brunswick North West PS
Diary: Lily, Drysdale PS
Great efforts to Runner's Up
Foundation category: Ritu, Brunswick North West PS
Junior category: Arissa, Findon PS
Middle category: Zack, Drysdale PS
Senior story: Alice, Brunswick North West PS
Diary: Rayma, Brunswick North West PS

Winner of Foundation category: Lexie, Leopold PS

Winner of Junior category: Tom, Leopold PS

Winner of Senior story: Antonia, Brunswick North West PS

Winner of Diary: Lily, Drysdale PS
Runner Up of Middle category: Zack, Drysdale PS