Event Coordinator and Report by Silvy Wantania, VILTA President

Laporan Sayembara 2022
Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua
Yang terhormat Bapak Kuncoro Giri Waseso, Konsul Jendral Republik Indonesia untuk Victoria dan Tasmania, Dr Tony Mordini, Melbourne High School Principal, Jenny Gigas, P-4 Point Cook Principal and all principals and teachers, parents and all the champions of Indonesian here tonight.
The Speaking Competition, which is held every year by VILTA, has finally been successfully implemented this year. This activity is VILTA’s largest, both in terms of the length of time for
implementation and preparation, as well as the number of participants.
The development is quite encouraging with the participation of 29 schools from Metropolitan and
regional areas. It is estimated that a total number of 600 students with over 245 finalists from the Preparation level to year 11.
However, all of these successes are the result of the cooperation and support of all parties involved. Therefore, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all schools and teachers who have participated in this event and were willing to hold it in their respective regions.
I would like to say a big thank you to the parents who have supported their children in taking part in the competition. The most important part of this event is the students who have courageously participated and have done the hard work to prepare their answers. I am sincerely grateful for your efforts, it has been proven that your hard work is rewarding you with success.
Finally, thank you to Melbourne High School Principal, Dr Mordini for his continued support to
Language Teaching at this school, also to all principals who are here to support their students and to the The Indonesian Consulate General for your cooperation and supports, as well as all VILTA members and volunteers who have helped directly or indirectly with this activity. Hopefully this activity will continue to achieve its primary goal: building students' love for Indonesian.
Salam hormat,
Silvy Wantania