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Pemenang Lomba Poster 2021


Updated: Aug 22, 2021

Event Coordinator: Astrid Dux, VILTA Vice President

Judge by: I Made Oka Wardhana, Head of Chancery & Consul for Information Social and Cultural Affairs - Indonesian Consulate General, Melbourne, Australia


Setelah melakukan penilaian terhadap semua karya siswa siswa dari kelas 1-8 lomba Poster yang masuk pada redaksi website VILTA. Kini tiba saatnya kami mengumumkan Pemenang dalam lomba Poster.

After assessing all posters of student works from grades 1-8 submitted to the editor of the VILTA website. Now is the time for us to announce the Winners in the Poster Contest.

Penting setidaknya diketahui bahwa seluruh gambar sangatlah berkualitas. Terimakasih atas segala bentuk partisipasinya dan kami menunggu perlombaan perlombaan kami selanjutnya.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 'Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesian ke 76' poster contest. Selamat bagi para pemenang!

It is essential to know that all submitted posters are excellent. Thank you for all your participation, and we look forward to our next competition. We are pleased to announce the winners of the '76th Indonesian Independence Day' poster contest. Congratulation to all the winners!

Kelas 8

Juara 1: Paige, Heathmont College

"Satu bendera, satu tanah, satu hati. Panjang umur tanah airku!"

Juara 2: Jacob, Loyola College


Juara 3: Olivia, Ave Maria College

Kelas 7

Juara 1: Macy, Monivae College

Juara 2: Ayla, Ave Maria College

Juara 3: Romina, Mercy College

"Happy Indonesian Independence Day"

Juara 4: Mila, Ave Maria College

Kelas 6

Juara 2: Cadence, Rochester Primary School

"Unity in diversity"

Kelas 5

Juara 1: Olivia, Goulburn Valley Grammar School

Juara 2: Ariana, Goulburn Valley Grammar School

"Hari Raya Kemerdekaan"

Kelas 4

Juara 1: Cara, Rochester Primary School

"76 Tahun - Indonesian Independence"

Juara 2: Brooke, Bayswater North Primary School

"Hari Raya Indonesia"

Kelas 3

Juara 1: Luca, Bayswater North Primary School

"Hari Merdeka"

Kelas 1

Juara 1: Gabriel, Brunswick South Primary School


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