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Our Events

VILTA has various annual events to support language teaching and learning activities for Indonesian language Teachers and Students,  in Victoria running by tremendously dedicated volunteers.  Those events include Teacher's professional training, competitions, scholarships up to the entertainment events.

Event Registration


  • 2025 VILTA Annual Conference
    2025 VILTA Annual Conference
    02 May 2025, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
    Amora Hotel Riverwalk Melbourne, 649 Bridge Rd, Richmond VIC 3121, Australia
  •  2025 Model United Nations in Indonesian
     2025 Model United Nations in Indonesian
    01 Aug 2025, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
    Victorian Academy of Teaching/Leadership, 603-615 Queensberry St, North Melbourne VIC 3051, Australia
    We are excited to invite your students to participate in the 2025 Model United Nations in Indonesian. This immersive event provides students with the opportunity to enhance their negotiation, public speaking, and collaboration skills, all while deepening their understanding of global issues.
Completed Events



  1. 25 February - Program Guru Bantu #1 (VE)

  2. 8 April - Malam Ngobrol#1 for Primary Teachers (VE)

  3. 11-15 April - Virtual Language Teacher Scholarship

  4. 1 April - VILTA Annual Conference (on-site & VE)

  5. 10 June - Virtual Escape Room,  Middle School Teachers PD (VE)

  6. 17 June - VCE Exam Preparation, VCE Teachers PD 

  7. 24 June - Malam Ngobrol#2

  8. 30 June-1 July - Language Holiday Program, Monash University

  9. 23 July - Finals Sayembara Lisan

  10. 28 July - Model United Conference (UN)

  11. 6 August -  VCE Immersion

  12. 17 August - Independence Day' Poster Competition

  13. August-Sept - Program Guru Bantu #2 (VE)

  14. 10 September - VCE Mock Oral (VE)

  15. September -  Written Mock Paper dissemination

  16. 21 October -  Story Telling Video Virtual Competition (VE)

  17. 25 November - Language and Pedagogy, Primary School Teachers PD

  18. 9 December - Annual General Meeting


  1. 6 March - Annual Conference

  2. 24 April - Malam Ngobrol (Remote Knowledge Sharing)

  3. 22 May - Malam Ngobrol (Remote Knowledge Sharing)

  4. 19 June - Teacher Virtual Scholarship

  5. 22 June - Primary Writing Competition

  6. 26 June - Malam Ngobrol (Remote Knowledge Sharing)

  7. 29 June - Virtual Scholarship

  8. 7 August - Poster Competition

  9. 17 August - Mock Written Exam Material

  10. 29 August - VCE Immersion Day

  11. 5 September - VCE Mock Oral Exam

  12. 7 September - Primary Teachers' PD

  13.  29 September - VCE Teachers' Workshop

  14. 24 October - Story and Singing Competition

  15. 4 December - Annual General Meeting

*) since March 2020 all of VILTA's activities were held virtually due to the Pandemic situation. 


  1. 9 March – Annual Conference

  2. 27 April – PD for Perp – PS teachers at Kensington Hall

  3. 27 April – PD for VCE teachers at Kensington Hall

  4. 2 June – Sayembara Lisan Finals with Melbourne University

  5. 4 June – Indonesian Model UN Conference with DET + United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division) on Achieving Gender Equality: Empowering Women and Girls at Treasury Theatre

  6. 30 June to 9 July - Teachers Scholarship to Study at Realia Yogyakarta 1st Group

  7. 28 July – VCE Students Day

  8. 4 August – Teachers Immersion Day at Multicultural Hub

  9. 17 August – Indonesian Independence Day Scholarship to Canberra

  10. 22 August - Festival Bahasa & Budaya Indonesia (Regional) at Warrnambool College

  11. 29 August - Indonesian Movie Student Screening 

  12. 31 August – Festival Bahasa & Budaya Indonesia at RMIT

  13. 8 September – VCE Oral Practice 


  1. 29 January - Program Guru Bantu #1 (VE)

  2. 19 February - Malam Ngobrol#1 for Primary Teachers (VE)

  3. 26 March - Malam Ngobrol#2 for Secondary Teachers (VE)

  4. 5 - 16 April - Virtual Language Teacher Scholarship

  5. 23 April - Program Guru Bantu #2 (VE)

  6. 30 April - VILTA Annual Conference (on-site & VE)

  7. 23 July - University Open Day (VE)

  8. 26 July - Model United Nation Conference (VE)

  9. 11 August - Lomba Poster Kemerdekaan RI ke 76 tahun (VE)

  10. 13 August - Program Guru Bantu #3 (VE)

  11. 14 August - Finals Sayembara Lisan (VE)

  12. 28 August - VCE Immersion Day (VE)

  13. 11 September - VCE Mock Oral (VE)

  14. September - Written Mock Paper dissemination

  15. 5 November - Story Telling Competition

  16. 3 December - Annual General Meeting


  1. 11 January - Teacher Scholarship 2nd Group

  2. 8 March - Annual Conference

  3. 14 March - Festival Bahasa & Budaya Indonesia (Regional) at Deakin Uni - Warrnambool

  4. 26 April - Festival Bahasa & Budaya Indonesia at RMIT - Melbourne

  5. 7 June - Festival Bahasa & Budaya Indonesia at University of Melbourne - Melbourne

  6. 6 May - Poster Competition

  7. 9 May - Professional Learning for VCE Teacher

  8. 30 May - Indonesian UN Conference with DET & United Nation Association of Australia (Victorian Division)

  9. 1 June - Sayembara Lisan

  10. 24 June - Teacher Scholarship 3rd Group

  11. 22 July - Interview for Indonesian Independence Day Scholarship program to Canberra

  12. 27 July - VCE Immersion Day

    • Teachers Immersion Day for Prep & Primary Teachers - Conducted by Monash University

    • ​Teachers Immersion Day for Secondary Teachers - Conducted by Monash University​

  13. 28 August - Indonesian Movie Student Screening 

  14. 2 September - Written Mock Papers dissemination

  15. 7 September - VCE Oral Practice

  16. 29 November - Annual General Meeting

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