VCE Exam Preparation (VCE Teachers PD)
A program of all examinable content and examination techniques will help your student reach their full potential!

Time & Location
17 June 2022, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm AEST
Melbourne High School, Forrest Hill, South Yarra VIC 3141, Australia
About The Event
VCE Exam Preparation (VCE Teachers PD)
This programs have been developed for teachers who are new to teaching VCE or for teachers who want to refresh their knowledge and gain new ideas for preparing their students for end-of-year assessments.
- Venue: HOCKEY PAVILION at Melbourne High School (MBHS)
- Date & Time: Friday, 17 June 2022 at 9am - 3pm
Attendees is expected to arrive at 8:45 am
- 09:00 - 10:30 Preparation for SACs by Aretha Kakerissa
- 10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break
- 10:45 - 12:00 Koorie Education by DET
- 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
- 13:00 - 15:00 Speaking & Writing workshop by VILTA
How To Get There
- Vehicle access/entry from Alexandra Avenue - only
- Limited FREE Parking available on-site and needs to register the vehicle to the Receptionist (at center door) in the main building of MBHS.
- Alternative paid parking area:
Pedestrian/Walking Access through Forrest Hill (Chapel St.)
The following transport lines have routes that pass near Melbourne High School
- Bus: 246, 603, 605
- Tram: 78
Train station: 127-South Yarra Railway Station/Toorak Rd (South Yarra) 6 min walk
Tram station:
- 51-Malcolm St/Chapel St (South Yarra) 2 min walk
- 128-Chapel St/Toorak Rd (South Yarra) 3 min walk
Bus Station: Chapel St/Alexandra Ave (South Yarra) 10 min walk
VILTA 2022 members from GOVERNMENT School are eligible for:
- One CRT subsidy for $250 - (No GST apply) will be made available with a school invoice.
- Travel subsidy for regional and rural teachers (>100 km) -- with a confirmation letter from the Principal.
- Please send all the supporting documents (CRT invoice, Principal letter & EFT receipt - if applicable) in one email to no later than 24 June 2022 with the Reference: Your Name - Your Ticket No.*
*) You will get the Ticket Number once the registration is succeeded (ticket purchased).
Event Coordinator: Silvy Wantania at